

Huangshan collective mountaineering photo


Huangshan Mountain is one of the five famous mountains in China and is known as "the world's most wonderful mountain". Since ancient times, Huangshan Mountain is famous for its "four unique" landscapes of strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. In addition, rime, snow and sunrise is also a must for tourists. Huangshan not only has magnificent mountain scenery, but also carries rich cultural history. For example, Xu Xiake, a traveler in the Ming Dynasty, once praised it as "climbing Huangshan, there is no mountain in the world, and it is enough to watch it!". In 1986, Huangshan Mountain was selected as one of the top ten scenic spots in China, and was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990.


Huangshan, one of China's top ten mountains, the world's first strange mountain. Located in Huangshan City in the south of Anhui Province, there are 72 peaks. The main peak, Lianhua Peak, is 1864 meters above sea level. It is also called the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, one of the 36 peaks. Huangshan is the symbol of Anhui tourism, is the only mountain scenery of China's top ten scenic spots. It is now a dual heritage of world culture and nature, a world geological park, a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction, a national-level scenic spot, and a demonstration site for a national civilized scenic tourist area,

Huangshan, formerly known as "Yi Mountain", is famous for its blue and black peak rocks and looking at Cangdai from afar. Later, because of the legend Xuanyuan Huangdi had alchemy here, it was renamed "Huangshan". Huangshan represents "five unique and three waterfalls", five unique: strange pine, strange stone, sea of clouds, hot spring and winter snow; Three waterfalls: herringbone waterfall, Baizhangquan and Jiulong waterfall. Huangshan Yingke Pine is a symbol of the warm and friendly people of Anhui, carrying the oriental etiquette culture that embraces the world.

Xu Xiake, a traveler of the Ming Dynasty, praised when he visited Huangshan Mountain: "The famous mountains at home and abroad are not as thin as the Huangshan Mountain of the emblem. Climbing Huangshan Mountain, there is no mountain in the world, and you can watch it!" It was extended by later generations as "the return of the five mountains does not look at the mountains, and the return of Huangshan does not look at the mountains".


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